Eco-friendly and effective: how to make mustard-based dishwashing detergent

Store-bought dishwashing liquids contain a lot of chemicals that can have a bad effect on health and dry out the skin. Therefore, UaPortal offers you to make an eco-friendly dishwashing liquid with your own hands.
Water and mustard
Take 1 liter of hot water and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Stir them together. You should get a solution with a thick foam that cleans dishes perfectly. This mustard solution can be poured into the dishwasher, as an alternative to dishwasher tablets.
Read also: How to clean a frying pan with laundry soap.
Laundry soap and glycerin
Take half a liter of hot water, 1 tbsp of diluted alcohol or vodka, 4 tbsp of glycerin, and 25 g of finely grated laundry soap. Put the shavings in a water bath until they are completely dissolved. Stir occasionally. Pour off the water.
Cool the soap mixture, add glycerin and diluted alcohol or vodka. Mix well. Remove the foam that forms during the mixing process, and pour the liquid into a container and leave for several hours to infuse.
Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
Take a glass of hot water, half a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and half a tablespoon of baking soda. Dissolve the baking soda in a glass of water and mix. Pour the liquid into a bottle.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to get rid of fat and carbon deposits in pans.
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