Two of the most effective traps for the kitchen: how to get rid of midges with cheap remedies

Insects try to enter our homes during hot weather. The kitchen often suffers from attacks by fruit flies, midges and flies. However, there is a way to lure uninvited guests into homemade traps without using store-bought chemical repellent sprays.
Read also: The three best homemade fruit fly traps to get rid of them once and for all
Making a fly trap is easy, Express writes. To do this, you need to pour apple cider vinegar into the dishes and add a drop of dishwashing liquid. Cover the trap with cling film by piercing several holes in it. Once inside, the insects will begin to drown and die. The positive aspect of this method is that due to the strong smell of apple cider vinegar, midges will quickly fall into the trap and you can get rid of them in the kitchen in just a few hours.
If apple cider vinegar is not available to you and you want to attract flies, there is a simple but effective alternative. The main ingredient that will attract flies is something sweet, such as honey, syrup or sugar.
You will need a small glass jar with water and one teaspoon of sugar. Place the jar in the kitchen and once the flies get into it, pour it out and repeat the process. You can get rid of unwanted flies without using chemicals with these simple but effective methods.
Earlier, we wrote about how to make an effective fly trap with your own hands.
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