Add only two ingredients to the milk: How to make cottage cheese at home

Ukrainian food blogger and restaurateur Yevhen Klopotenko share an easy and simple recipe for making natural cottage cheese from milk at home in a tutorial video posted on his YouTube channel.
Read also: How to properly dilute milk powder
To do this, you need to have the following ingredients:
- 2 liters of milk
- juice of one lemon;
- a pinch of salt.
To make the curd, pour the juice of one lemon into the milk, add a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, and heat over low heat.
"After heating, the milk will begin to curdle and become a homogeneous mass. Then we pour this mass onto cheesecloth," Klopotenko explained.
"The resulting mass needs to be infused for several hours on cheesecloth. After that, our natural cheese is ready for consumption. Enjoy!
Earlier, we wrote about how to store milk properly so that it does not spoil as long as possible.
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