Add this product and your oil won't be bitter: a simple tip

This tip was popular back in Soviet times when sunflower oil was in great demand and was in every kitchen, but it was not so easy to get. To extend the shelf life and improve the quality of the product, one extra ingredient was added to the oil.
Read also: Why you can't pour oil on a cold pan
In cities, residents bought sunflower oil in glass bottles, metal jars, or cardboard packages. In the villages, the oil was often pressed from the seeds themselves and stored in cans and bottles. This product was kept as a reserve, so the oil needed to retain its properties and excellent taste for a long time. That is why regular salt was added to the oil.
It acted as a preservative and prevented sunflower oil from becoming bitter or spoiling. Refrigerators were rare, and space was tight. Our grandmothers used a rather unusual but extremely effective method of adding salt to an oil container.
Sometimes this was done even at enterprises where oil was produced because attempts to improve the quality of this product during production were incomplete. Therefore, they tried to extend the life of cheap and lower-quality oil in this way.
Recall that earlier we revealed why it is better not to fry food with plain butter.
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