Why stick matches in flower pots

Gardeners are coming up with different ways to scare pests away from indoor plants without using chemical repellents. This time they tried matches. All you need to do is insert them with their heads in the ground in pots.
According to santeplusmag, using matches in pots will help your plants and make them stronger and more beautiful. It's all about the "stuffing" of the match head. It contains substances such as sulfur, phosphorus, and magnesium.
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If you stick the matches in a pot, these substances will begin to saturate the soil, which may contain the larvae of pests such as scale insects or aphids. Sulfur and phosphorus will destroy them.
All you need to do is take up to 20 matches if the flowerpot is medium-sized, and more if it is large. Take the matches and stick the heads into the ground, and then water the plant. Repeat the "operation" in a week, just replace the old matches with new ones.
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