Effective ways to get rid of mice without killing them (video)

Before the cold snap of autumn, mice are looking for ways to find shelter, and often this shelter is a house. To get rid of the pests from your backyard and prevent them from making dens in your home, there are several humane ways to repel rodents.
According to Аpartmentguide.com, you can use peppermint oil. Mice have very sensitive noses, so the smell of mint is too strong for them. You just need to take cotton pads and soak them in the oil, then place them in the corners of rooms and in cabinets to deter rodents.
Read also: How to get rid of mice at home: five proven ways
Similar to the smell of mint, mice do not like the smell of cloves. Put cloves in places where mice are most often found. This will deter them from entering your home.
Aluminium foil is an inexpensive and easy way to get rid of your mouse problem. Simply take some aluminium foil and roll it into balls. Place them where mice can enter your home. The rustling of the foil will scare the rodents away.
Another easy way to get rid of mice is with repellents. All you have to do is spray the repellent anywhere you notice mice and they will disappear. Although some repellents are toxin-free, it's best to wear gloves to be safe.
Here's how to keep rodents out of your home for good.
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