What does it mean when a bird pecks at the window: explanation

Sometimes a bird can peck at the window with its beak or wings. This unusual phenomenon can leave you surprised and somewhat anxious, especially if the bird repeats this action over and over again, ignoring your presence.
Pixel explored why birds do this and what it might mean. There are several possible explanations for this behavior, depending on the type of bird, the time of year, and the condition of the window.
The bird sees its reflection: It sees its reflection in the glass and mistakes it for a rival or partner. This is especially common during the nesting season when birds are defending their territory and looking for a mate. To prevent this, you can make the window less reflective, for example, by putting stickers on it, hanging curtains, or installing blinds.
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The bird is looking for shelter or food: If the window is dirty or foggy, the bird may not notice the window pane and may attempt to fly through it, thinking there is a passage. The bird may also knock on the window if it sees something attractive inside the house, such as plants, flowers, fruit, or other birds. In this case, it may be trying to get to the source of food or interest. To avoid this, you can clean the windows and remove all objects that may be of interest to birds. You can also install a net or grill on the window to prevent birds from entering the house.
The bird is sending you a message: Some people believe that a bird knocking on the window is not random but because it wants to deliver a message or sign. Different beliefs and traditions attribute various meanings to this behavior. For example, some people believe that a bird knocking on the window signals death or misfortune, while others consider it a portent of good luck or news. Still, others believe it represents the spirit of a deceased relative or friend who wants to convey something important. You can accept or reject these interpretations, but you should not be scared or angry at a bird knocking on your window.
Earlier, we explained the origin of the childhood rule not to eat with a knife. However, not everyone knows where this sign came from and what the consequences of breaking it.
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