What is an overflow hole in a washbasin and what is its function

Let's pay attention to a small detail in the sink or bathtub. Many people ignore this inconspicuous element, believing it to be unimportant. However, it is known that this hidden plumbing fixture performs an important function and can prevent serious problems.
If you were wondering what the small hole in the sink is properly called, it is an "overflow." This element was created for a reason: it is designed to avoid possible flooding.
Why do we need this small hole in the sink and how do we handle it? Most of us forget about one important thing: regular cleaning of the overflow. When you use the sink, dirt, mold, and detergent residue can accumulate in the overflow. If you don't pay attention to this, an unpleasant odor may appear over time.
Read also: How to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the sink: a simple life hack
Cleaning the overflow is quite simple. Take a cotton pad and soak it in vinegar. Then wipe the inside of the hole thoroughly.
If you think the overflow is very dirty, you can use a simple device. Take a piece of wire and wrap one end with cotton or a cloth dipped in vinegar. Insert the wire into the hole and gently clean the walls of the overflow inside.
As a reminder, we have already written how to clean the sink.
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