What to do to make indoor plants bloom longer: a life hack from a gardener

In addition to improving the decor and purifying the atmosphere, indoor plants also play a therapeutic role in improving mood. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to them to ensure their preservation over time. In order for plants to remain healthy and strong, fertilizers play an important role in their nutrition and care. However, it is important to choose the right fertilizer that will provide plants with all the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and flowering.
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What substances are necessary for good growth of indoor plants
One of the main benefits of using fertilizers for plants is that they provide the nutrients necessary for plant growth. Many people may worry that their houseplants are suffering or growing slowly despite careful care. Often this can be due to a lack of fertilizers in the soil, which does not provide plants with all the necessary substances for their growth and development.
Choosing the right fertilizer is of great importance, as it is the main way to provide plants with the necessary nutrients. The main nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
- Nitrogen is necessary for the formation of leaves and vegetative growth, phosphorus is important for the formation of roots and flowering. Therefore, if plants are not flowering properly, it may be that the soil is lacking in one or more of these nutrients;
- Phosphorus deficiency can lead to weak development of the root system, and as a result, the plant can be less resistant to stressful conditions, such as drought or disease;
- Potassium plays an important role in regulating the water balance of the plant and also promotes the development of flowers and seeds.
In addition, choosing the right type of fertilizer also depends on the age and type of plants. For example, young plants may need fertilizers with a higher nitrogen content to stimulate growth, while mature plants may need phosphorus and potassium more important for root development and flowering.
It is also worth considering the different conditions in which the plants grow, such as lighting, humidity, temperature, and soil type. For example, plants growing in brightly lit areas may require less nitrogen because they can produce their own chlorophyll from sunlight. On the other hand, plants growing in highly acidic soil may require more calcium to ensure proper root development.
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The best fertilizer for indoor flowers
For abundant flowering, it is recommended to use a natural fertilizer based on lentils for your plants. Lentils contain an important source of nitrogen, which is captured from the air and stored in its tissues. When lentils are added to the soil, they release nitrogen to feed the plants. In addition, lentils interact with soil bacteria to form a fusion that allows them to fix atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a plant-available form.
There are several ways to use lentils as fertilizer for your garden. One of the easiest ways is to use the water in which the lentils were cooked. After cooking, wait until the water cools down and use it to water the plants. This water contains all the necessary nutrients for plants.
Another method is to grind lentils into a powder and mix them with soil in a pot. Such a solution can be used as an organic fertilizer for plants to provide them with a sufficient source of nitrogen and other nutrients necessary for growth.
Don't forget: before using lentils as fertilizer, it is recommended to soak them for several hours to remove any bacteria and toxins that may be present.
Let us remind you that every flower lover wants her vases to be the most magnificent, most beautiful, and healthy. But did you know that an inexpensive spice that every housewife uses for baking can help grow perfect flowers on the windowsill?
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