What to do with radiators now to ensure that they give off maximum heat in winter

Colder weather is just around the corner, so it's time to prepare for the low temperatures and check your radiators for the new heating season. To do this, one of the most important tasks is to ensure maximum efficiency and generate more heat.
As the winter season approaches, it is best to prepare for the cold weather now, making sure that the heat does not escape from your home. To do this, Sante Plus experts have told you how to make the most of it.
Read also: Five tips to limit heat loss in your house and apartment
It is important to maintain radiators so that they work at full capacity. To do this, you need to keep them clean, as dust and dirt can disrupt their proper functioning.
As you may have guessed, you should make cleaning radiators and heaters part of your routine. Dust tends to settle in hard-to-reach places, which can lead to a decrease in its efficiency.
For effective cleaning, be sure to switch them off first. Then, use a microfibre cloth to remove dust and dirt from the panels.
Then vacuum the device to remove any remaining dirt. You can also use a damp cloth. If you have a nozzle that allows the vacuum to reach the smallest corners, feel free to use it. You can also use a steam cleaner.
You can also use a hairdryer to remove dust from all sides. To do this, simply turn the appliance to maximum power and aim it at hard-to-reach places.
If you have to deal with stubborn dirt, you can use a mixture of water and detergent.
Earlier, we wrote about how to reduce electricity costs without sacrificing comfort.
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