What should be taken to the cemetery on memorial days and what should not

Every year, a week after Easter, it is customary to visit the graves of relatives and friends. These days are called memorial or parental days, coffin days, wires, or wires.
Not everyone knows what exactly to bring to the cemetery on such days. Therefore, UAportal tells about the main memorial traditions.
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It is believed that bringing alcohol and food to the cemetery is a tradition that we inherited from the pagans. People who organize a "feast" at the cemetery do not even know why they should do this. Mostly, they explain such actions by saying that "it has always been like this."
However, the most important thing for the deceased is your prayer. Therefore, on a memorial day, first come to church and light candles for the repose, leave notes with the names of the deceased and order a forty-fourth day. At the same time, remember that you cannot commemorate suicides and the unbaptized. Pray sincerely for the repose of the soul of the deceased.
You can bring various treats to the church (Easter cake, candy, bread, cookies, fruit, eggs), give alms, and help those in need. Only such actions must be done from the heart.
After visiting the church, go to the cemetery. You do not need to bring artificial flowers or wreaths, but take candles. First of all, when you enter the cemetery, cross yourself three times.
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It should be remembered that after the great holiday of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, on a memorial day, the living and the dead meet on the energy level. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women and those with small children under one year old not to go to the cemetery. They can just come to church.
Other people who come to the cemetery should recite the Lord's Prayer at the grave.
Choose fresh flowers instead of artificial ones
Graves should be cleaned in advance, as well as flowers should be planted there. This should not be done on Memorial Day.
Nowadays, it is customary to put a treat on a gravestone, which is then given to others to eat in memory of the deceased. This is also considered a manifestation of mercy to one's neighbor.
However, you should not drink alcohol near the grave, especially not to organize a "feast".
How to leave the cemetery correctly
When you are about to leave the cemetery, mentally address the dead: "May we be well and may you rest easy!"
You can also say the following words before leaving the gate: "May you have the Kingdom of God, and may we not be in a hurry to get there." After that, you can leave the cemetery, turn to face the graves and cross yourself three times. This is how Orthodox believers pay respect to the dead.
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You can't take anything from the cemetery and take it home. When you return, wash your face and hands with soap and water. Then sprinkle your face and hands with holy water three times.
After visiting the cemetery, you should gather with your family at the family table and commemorate the deceased, remembering their good deeds. It is better not to mention bad things about the dead.
Before the meal, you should pray for the repose of the soul. Only wine is allowed at the table, and it should be in moderation. Easter cakes, Easter eggs, and kutia should be on the memorial table. You can also cook fish, spring salad, and other dishes at your discretion.
The main signs of the memorial days are.
1. The cemetery is a place of peace and quiet, so you shouldn't drink alcohol, have fun, or make jokes there. It is best to pray for the dead on this day and go to the cemetery with a pure heart and a sober mind.
2. During the memorial days, one should leave the window open so that the souls of deceased relatives can visit their homes and visit their loved ones. Easter cakes and Easter eggs should also be placed on the windowsill, and a candle should be lit to help the spirit find its way home faster.
3. Expensive coffins or monuments are not important for the dead. What matters is the sincere prayer of a loved one and good deeds.
4. Throughout Memorial week, it is forbidden to call the dead or the dead, because at this time they hear everything. Call them by their names or who they were to you (grandparents, etc.).
5. Do not smoke at the cemetery, and do not work at home during the memorial days. Otherwise, you may not wait for the harvest, and everything planted at this time does not germinate well.
6. You can't quarrel, swear, or a curse.
7. Do not pour alcohol on the grave of the deceased, as this will offend the memory of the deceased.
8. It is forbidden to work in the cemetery, clean up the tombstones, jump over the graves, and touch them.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about why you shouldn't cut your own hair.
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