What you shouldn't do on Halloween: signs and superstitions

Many countries around the world celebrate Halloween or All Saints' Day on October 31, when, as it is believed, the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead are erased.
From September 1, the Ukrainian Church is switching to the New Julian calendar: list of holidays
According to the legends, every night of October 31, the Druids unite around a bonfire, where they offer sacrifices aimed at fertilizing evil spirits. The Celts believed that on October 31 the souls of the dead return from the afterlife. For keeping them away people took food outside of their homes.
Modern Halloween is associated with costumes and entertainment, but many people still believe in the mystical lore of this holiday.
One of the traditions of Halloween is dressing up in terrifying costumes to ward off the evil spirits. The scarier the costume is, the more effective it is. According to the ancient lore, if you wear clothes and walk around backwards, it can help you meet a real devil or witch.
One of the main attributes of the holiday is Jack's lamp, which is usually made of a pumpkin with a carved face and a candle inside. Such lanterns on windows scare evil spirits away, as it is believed that the wicked are afraid of the smell of pumpkin and fire. It is important not only to put the pumpkin on the window, but also to keep an eye on the candle inside. If the candle is fading away, it could mean that evil spirits are nearby. If the candle collapses, it could be an attempt by evil spirits to extinguish the fire in the home. Some people perform the ritual of going around the house three times with a burning candle in their hands to protect their home .
According to the folk omens about Halloween you can not leave a black cat at home, because it is believed that it will lead to misfortune for the whole family. It is also considered unlucky to give black cats away outside of the house on this day. Bats are strictly persecuted in some countries, people keep considering them as servants of the devil and chase them out of attics. If an owl sits on the roof at Halloween, it is believed that it can predict a death.
It is also important to stay away from spiders because, according to the omens, their appearance at night can be a harbinger of trouble or a warning from a deceased family member.
It is believed that on Halloween, dreams become special. Thus, dreams of water, glass or stones bring good luck, while dreams of rain, hurricanes or flowers can be harbingers of trouble.
On this holiday when the spirits become very active, some girls try to guess their future. For divination about your soulmate you can take a red apple, a candle and a mirror. Dim the light in the room, put the candle near and look at your reflection, eat the apple or comb your hair. It is said that the soulmate will appear in the reflection, as if standing behind your back. If the candle suddenly falls, it may be a sign of the presence of evil spirits, and you better stop the divination.
Recall, in May 2023, the Holy Synod and Council of Bishops of the UOC decided that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will move to the New Julian calendar.
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