What is strictly forbidden to do if a loved one dies

There are many omens and prohibitions on how to act and what to do after the death of a loved one. It is necessary to know it and fulfill it, despite the grief.
The death of a person is a great loss and sadness for relatives, friends and in general the environment of this person. However, to believe or not to believe in these prohibitions, everyone decides for himself.
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What you can not do when a person has died
1. It is forbidden to keep all windows, doors and gates closed. They must be opened, otherwise the soul of the deceased may get lost and will not leave the house.
2. It is not allowed to keep mirrors open. It is important to veil them all over the house, even the smallest ones, as the soul of the deceased may get trapped through an open portal to another world.
3- The deceased should not be left alone. The soul of the deceased should hear psalms and prayers.
4. Relatives of the deceased should not look in mirrors, as this will call another misfortune. Therefore, it is better to circumvent this subject.
5. You can not sleep in the same room with the deceased, as his soul can carry away the person who sleeps next to him.
Recall that bans and prejudices in Ukraine have played a significant role in the formation of the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common prejudices and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian household and family life.
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