What to do with egg shells: why they don't throw them away

It is better not to throw away the shells of eaten eggs, especially if they are consecrated eggs. It has long been customary to collect leftovers from eggs that were prepared for the Easter holidays.
To dispose of the shells, you should collect them and bury them in the garden or in the garden on the third day after Easter. It is believed that then the harvest will be rich. You can also bury the shell in flower pots if you don't have a garden or vegetable garden.
Read also: What will happen if you eat an egg with two yolks - prohibitions and superstitions
A long time ago, the shell of eggs consecrated in the church was used as a protective charm against misfortune and diseases. To do this, it was crushed with the fingers and a small bag made of red cotton fabric was folded. Put this bag under the children's pillows to hang at the entrance to the house.
Eggshells were also placed on the headboard of the patient's bed. People believed that it helped to heal.
To attract good luck, the shell was broken into small pieces with the left hand, saying: "How many small pieces - I will have so many days full of luck." After the ritual, the shell was hidden in a secret place and kept until the next Easter.
Church members point out that there is nothing valuable in the shell of Easter eggs. Consecrating the products in Easter baskets, the priest only blesses them. Therefore, they do not become somehow sacred.
However, if you glued or sculpted images with the faces of saints on the shell, then you should take the shell to the church - there it will be disposed of according to church rules.
We will remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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