What to do when the zipper on the clothes flew off: a simple life hack

Many of us feel disappointed when a zipper flies on a favorite garment, and it can be expensive and inconvenient to replace it or send the garment to the atelier. But there is a simple way to solve this problem with the help of an ordinary fork.
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Usually, when the zipper is faulty, it can be due to the fact that one of the prongs is moving away from its place on the fabric, or when closing the zipper, the dog simply gets stuck.
- Take a fork with metal prongs. It is important that the fork has metal prongs, as a plastic fork can break;
- Insert the dog into the tines of the fork;
- Take the two ends of the zipper and pass them through the dog fixed on the fork;

This method is very simple and effective, as it does not require any additional tools, and a plug can be found in any home.
Previously, we wrote about how to get rid of a bad smell on clothes without washing them.
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