What to do if there is no paper form for baking paska

Many housewives forget to buy special paper, metal, or silicone forms for baking in the rush before the bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter, or, after kneading the dough into strips, realize that they are not enough. But we have a simple life hack for you using aluminum foil that can quickly make such a shape.
Read also: An incredibly delicious recipe for traditional Ukrainian paska (video)
To create a strip mold, you will need small jars, pans, or any other object that will serve as the base of the mold. We put it upside down and cover the top with a three-layer square of aluminum foil - in such a way that the matte side is inside.
We wrap the can around the perimeter with foil and press it down. Then we remove the form from the can and bend the protruding edges to make it neater.
We take baking parchment and put a jar on it. We circle the bottom of the jar around the perimeter with a pencil and cut it out. We put this circle on the bottom of the form, then grease everything with oil. This is necessary in order to strengthen the bottom of the mold and avoid sticking the tape to its walls and below.
We remind you that the dough should be laid out so that it occupies approximately 1/3 of the volume of the form. When the pasta is ready, the aluminum foil form is very easy to disassemble and remove. You'll save time and money by using this simple life hack to get the perfect shape for your Easter baking.
We offer a recipe for vegan paska, which is very quick and easy to prepare.
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