What to do to keep sand from sticking to your body and towel: a simple life hack

One of the troubles during a vacation at the beach is sand sticking to your shoes, clothes, and bags, as well as sticking to your body, causing discomfort. However, there are several life hacks that can help minimize this problem.
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It is worth knowing that sand sticks not only because of contact with water. It is also attracted by sweat and sunscreen.
The best way to reduce the amount of sand on your body is to take a shower. Rinse your feet and body, pat them dry, and put on your shoes quickly to avoid over-application of sand.
If you can't shower at your vacation spot, you can use talcum powder or baby powder. These products have hydrophilic properties that help absorb moisture quickly, thereby reducing sand adhesion.
The talcum powder should be applied to the skin so that it is completely covered and then give it a little spreading. You will notice how the sand and powder slides off the body instantly.
In order to reduce the adhesion of sand to the beach towel, it is worth treating it with fabric softener before using it. This will help prevent this phenomenon. However, after returning from the beach, it is not recommended to use fabric softener when washing towels.
Earlier we wrote about places to hide valuables on the beach to avoid attracting the attention of thieves.
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