Maundy Thursday: why believers carry passion fire from the church and what magical power it has

The church ritual of carrying the passion fire is one of the most important beliefs in the Christian tradition, especially in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. This rite is held on the night of Good Friday, during which believers leave the churches with fire, which is considered holy. This passionate fire is believed to have special magical powers and can bring blessings and protection to those who carry and use it.
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One of the most famous legends about the origin of the passion fire is connected with Christian history. According to this legend, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, the sky shone with light, and fire spread around. This fire originates from the passion fire, which clergymen extract from the church throne during the church ceremony on Good Friday.
Passion fire is considered very holy and has many magical properties. According to belief, fire can cleanse believers of sins, protect them from calamity, and bring happiness and health. Many people believe that passion fire has the ability to destroy negative energy, calm evil spirits, and bring peace of mind.
One of the important traditions associated with this rite is to carry the passion fire home from the church, considering it a gift from God. Carrying the passion fire from the church home is considered a special rite that takes place during the night procession. Believers carry a passionate fire that burns throughout the rite. It is considered a holy fire that cannot be extinguished, and people believe that it has a special auspicious power.
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Believers who carry the passion fire home from church consider this rite a special blessing and gift from God. It is believed that passion fire can bring protection from calamity and misfortune, drive away evil thoughts and energies, and help in the treatment of diseases. It is believed that fire can cleanse the home of negative energy and bring blessings into it.
The passion candle is a great shrine, it really has healing power, it is lit in the hour of severe grief, illness, and natural disaster, and always when a person asks for God's help.
Passion fire is also of great importance in various holiday rites and traditions. For example, in some countries, the passion fire is used to light bonfires at Easter or to light candles during the consecration of water on Jordan Day. Believers believe that this fire has a special beneficial power that can kindle faith in people's hearts.
As a reminder, UaPortal has already written about the traditions and prohibitions of Maundy Thursday.
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