Four natural fertilizers that will make your orchid bloom

Orchids are diverse flowering plants with more than 25,000 species. They are easy to grow at home to decorate the interior.
They are perennial plants with evergreen leaves. To keep them blooming all year round, use natural fertilizers. Sante Plus writes about this.
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Four natural fertilizers to stimulate orchid blooms
The most important element in plant growth is water, which helps transport nutrients from the soil to plant cells. In addition, the evaporation of water caused by the phenomenon of transpiration helps regulate plant temperature and cool them.
That said, while water is vital for plants, you can water them during the growth period with liquid fertilizers that will both moisten and nourish flowering plants, stimulating growth and flowering.
1. Green tea is a very effective fertilizer for stimulating orchid flowering and maintaining their health. In fact, it is rich in elements necessary for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. To use this natural fertilizer, simply brew a few green tea leaves in hot water and let cool. Then use the solution to water your orchids.
This liquid fertilizer can be used once a month in spring and summer. Use this fertilizer sparingly as excess can cause flowers and leaves to fall off.
In addition to watering your orchids with green tea, you can also take green tea bags and scatter their contents over the potted orchid soil.
2. Water after boiling eggs. After boiling the eggs, save the water that remains in a cool place. Let cool and then use it to water the orchids. Eggshells have a good content of calcium, magnesium, carbonate, and phosphorus. These minerals get into the water and are used to nourish the plants.
3. Banana peels are rich in potassium and nitrogen. To make your orchids bloom again, mix banana peels with water. Leave it for 24 hours, then pour this liquid over the orchids.
4. Water for cooking rice. Rice water is a good fertilizer for plants, rich in starch, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition to stimulating plant growth, it improves photosynthesis and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the soil. To stimulate orchid blooms, simply collect this water, let it cool, and then use it to water your orchids.
Note that water from cooking rice is not the only liquid fertilizer that is good for plants. The water from cooking starchy foods such as potatoes or pasta can also be beneficial for your plants.
Remember that most indoor plants are quite safe, but some are toxic to children and animals. Leaves, sap, or bulbs can be toxic.
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