Why rose hips are good for you and how to make a drink from them

We're going to show you how to brew rose hips correctly and consider who is and isn't recommended to drink the broth.
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Rose hips are a berry that gives us its yield from August to October. During this period, the fruits become the most useful, and many Ukrainians pick them, dry them and use them to make decoctions. UNIAN examines the beneficial properties of rose hips and how to brew them properly.
Who should consume rose hips: benefits and contraindications
Rose hips have many beneficial properties for the body, in particular, they help prevent cancer and help remove kidney stones. Rosehip decoction can improve the condition of the gallbladder and have a powerful tonic effect.
Rosehip is especially useful for women because it:
- improves the functioning of internal organs
- normalizes metabolism;
- reduces dryness and flaking of the skin;
- stabilizes subcutaneous fat secretion;
- strengthens hair, making it smooth and shiny.
In addition, rose hips are very useful for women during pregnancy, as they help prevent the development of anemia and facilitate the tolerance of toxicosis. It also strengthens the immune system and helps a woman to go through the pregnancy period more easily.
It is recommended that both men and women consume rosehip decoction, as it can quickly treat diseases of the genitourinary system, reduce cholesterol and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
In particular, rose hips are highly effective in treating prostatitis and other men's health problems. However, it is important to adhere to the recommended dose and not exceed it, as this can lead to negative consequences.
Contraindications to the use of rose hips
It is important to know who is not recommended to consume rose hips. This berry is absolutely contraindicated for people who have
- gastritis or peptic ulcer disease;
- high level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract;
- pancreatitis;
- any allergies;
- blood clots in blood vessels;
- endocarditis.
It is important to adhere to the recommended doses and not exceed them, as failure to do so can lead to various problems, from thinning tooth enamel to constipation.
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Can I drink rose hips every day: optimal dosages
If you plan to consume rose hips daily, it is important to know the optimal dose. According to the World Health Organization, the maximum daily dose is 10 berries. This amount is safe for daily consumption, and you should stick to it.
How to brew rose hips in a saucepan: a recipe
It is quite easy to prepare a rosehip decoction to support the immune system. You can choose to brew rose hips in a thermos or use any other suitable vessel. You will need the following ingredients:
- 150 grams of dried rose hips;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- half an orange;
- 2 tablespoons of honey;
- 2 cinnamon sticks;
- cloves to taste.
Place the berries in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil, then simmer for 25 minutes. After the rose hips have settled to the bottom of the pan, add the sliced oranges, cloves, and cinnamon. Then remove the broth from the stove, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Once cooled, add honey, stir again, and pour into cups.
As a reminder, we have already written about foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.
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