How to wash iodine and brilliant green stains on skin or clothes: simple life hacks

Iodine stains can be removed from the skin quickly without additional products, but brilliant green stains are a challenge to remove. A bigger problem will be if you get brilliant green or iodine on your clothes.
You can wash off the brilliant green from the skin with cream and soap; you should choose any oily cream. If you don't have one, vegetable oil may work. The skin should be smeared with cream, and then moistened with laundry soap and rubbed where the brilliant green got on. After fifteen minutes, rinse the soap off the skin with warm water, while trying to rub the skin with a sponge.
Hydrogen peroxide can also wash off the brilliant green. Pour a little peroxide on a cotton pad and rub the brilliant green stain, repeat the procedure several times to achieve the best effect.
Lemon can also be used to remove green stains from the skin. Cut the lemon in half and rub it on the stain. Rinse with water and repeat the procedure if necessary.
Also read: Vodka, milk, and glycerin: strange but effective ways to remove stains from clothes
You can also try to wash brilliant green from the skin with alcohol or rubbing alcohol. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the stain. It should disappear after several such wipes.
As for iodine, you can get rid of it with baking soda, laundry soap, peroxide, or lemon. Iodine is much easier to remove from the skin than brilliant green.
If iodine gets on your clothes, try the following life hacks:
Hydrogen peroxide - moisten the iodine stain with peroxide and leave it on for 5-6 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and then wash the clothes in the usual way - by hand or in a machine with detergent.
Ammonia - it is only suitable for light-colored clothes. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water and soak the clothes until the stain disappears.
Laundry soap - moisten it and rub the stain, leave it for 45 minutes, and wash the stained clothes.
Pour milk into a bowl and place the stained clothes in it so that the stains are covered with milk. Leave it for 40 minutes. Rinse the clothes thoroughly and rub them with laundry soap. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wash.
Starch or baking soda - soak the stain and cover it with starch (baking soda). After 12 hours, rinse off the stain and wash the clothes with laundry detergent.
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How to wash clothes from brilliant green:
Laundry soap - rinse the stain with warm water, and then rub it with soap, and leave for an hour. Rinse off the soap and then wash the clothes.
Hydrogen peroxide (or chlorhexidine) - wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. If necessary, soak the item in peroxide for 15 minutes. When the traces of contamination disappear, wash the garment with a detergent.
Vinegar and baking soda - sprinkle the stain with baking soda and then add a little vinegar. When the foam forms, wipe the stain with a sponge, rinse, and then wash the clothes in the machine.
Lemon juice also destroys the pigment of brilliant green and lightens stains. Use it in the same way as peroxide.
Alcohol or vodka - this method is suitable for cotton, linen, woolen, and silk products. Treat the contaminated area with a cotton pad, pre-soaking it with alcohol. You can add lemon juice to the alcohol.
Oil - heat it in a water bath and rub it on the stain. Leave the item for at least 4 hours. Then make a soapy solution and soak the clothes overnight. By morning, the brilliant green should disappear, and the clothes should be washed in a machine.
Read also: Vinegar and vodka: how to easily remove juice stains from clothes
Earlier, we wrote about the washing machine mode that is better not to use so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing to prevent mold and bad odors from appearing in the washing machine.
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