How to treat a potato crop to fight late blight: a simple life hack

Potatoes, like tomatoes, can fall victim to late blight, a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. These fungi affect the tops and tubers of potatoes, leading to their death. Gardeners need to have some knowledge of how to combat late blight to prevent crop loss.
Read also: Why experienced gardeners advise storing beetroot with potatoes
First of all, it is worth noting that a sign of late blight disease is the appearance of dark spots on the potato leaves, Telegraph writes. If you notice such signs, you must take measures to combat this disease.
To do this, it is not necessary to run to a specialised store for chemicals. You can prepare the remedy yourself using garlic. And here's how to do it.
- Mix 1 kilogram of garlic gruel with 10 litres of water.
- Insist on this solution for 2-3 hours.
- Treat the potato tubers with the resulting solution. Pathogenic fungi do not tolerate the phytoncides contained in garlic, and the treatment will help destroy them and prevent further development of the disease.
- The tubers must be allowed to dry.
In addition, it is important to ensure proper ventilation in the basement or cellar where the potatoes are stored, as this contributes to better product preservation.
Thus, the use of garlic as a natural remedy for late blight can be an effective method of preserving your potato crop and preventing the development of the disease.
To recap, we have already written what to do to prevent onions from rotting quickly.
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