How to treat the soil in September so that tomatoes are not affected by late blight

Autumn is not only a time for harvesting but also for improving the soil at your summer cottage. The fight against late blight is a particularly urgent task.
Read also: Do it with tomatoes now or you will lose the entire harvest: tips from summer house residents
According to the Telegraph, the main feature of this disease is its active spread during prolonged rains and cold nights. In addition, zoospores of this fungus can survive at -30°C and remain viable for five years. To protect your tomatoes and potatoes from late blight next season, be sure to treat the soil in September with a special product.
How can I treat the soil for late blight? Before starting the treatment, be sure to remove the affected bushes and tomatoes from the soil. After that, you can use fungicides that are available in stores.
If you don't like chemicals, you should consider using folk remedies. One such method is the use of iodine. Iodine solution has antiseptic properties that reduce the viability of the fungus.
To prepare the solution, dilute 20 drops of 5% iodine in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution should be applied to the beds where the affected plants grew. Approximately 3 liters of the solution is required for each meter bed. The treatment should be carried out twice with an interval of 10 days.
Earlier, we named the 10 most common mistakes you can make when growing hydrangeas.
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