When does Ukraine switch to daylight saving time?

Ukraine has not cancelled daylight saving time (DST). So this spring, we will have to adjust our bodies to the time change again.
Daylight saving time will start at three in the morning on March 26. Clocks will need to be set one hour ahead.
The tradition of changing clocks in Ukraine dates back to the Soviet era, when it first happened on 1 April 1981. It was customary to do this from the beginning of the day, even if it was a weekday.
Read also: When is daylight saving time in Ukraine?
In 1996, the law in Ukraine stipulated that citizens would switch to winter time on the last Sunday of October at 04:00 am, and to daylight saving time on the last Sunday of March at 03:00 am.
Scientists argued that the change of clocks helped the economy. This is because people wake up at the beginning of daylight hours or shortly before dawn and go to bed later than the sun sets. Therefore, the change of clocks helped to save energy - people can work longer during daylight hours and use less artificial lighting.
In addition to Ukraine, people in 110 other countries around the world change their clocks.
So, on March 26, at 3 a.m., you will need to set your clocks forward by one hour. You will have to wake up an hour earlier.
Read also: Switching to winter time - why changing clocks is bad for your health
By the way, almost all of your electronic gadgets - smartphones, tablets, computers, laptops or smartwatches - will automatically switch to the correct time. You will need to set the time on the sensor in your car or on your kitchen appliances, for example.
You can check the current time here.
Meanwhile, experts have given advice on how to quickly adjust your body to the change of clocks:
- A week before the clocks change, try to go to bed earlier and try to start waking up 10-15 minutes earlier;
- Move the last meal before bedtime 20-30 minutes earlier;
- Try to exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet, limit yourself to sweets;
- Do not forget to have breakfast, try to eat more vegetables and fruits;
- Doctors recommend drinking green or herbal tea more often and giving up coffee.
- Do not plan any important tasks or meetings in the first days after the change of clocks;
- Do not overload the body;
- Spend more time outdoors.
Read also the doctors' advice on how to better adjust your body to the change of clocks.
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