Which spice aromas repel flies best: useful tips

Unwanted flies are always a nuisance in the home, especially in summer. And while traditional fly traps are not always a reliable solution, there is one simple life hack that can save you from these unwelcome guests.
Read also: The three best homemade fruit fly traps to get rid of them once and for all
An interesting method reported by the Mirror helps to get rid of flies without the use of chemical repellents. It turns out that there is usually a product in the kitchen that can repel flies even better than store-bought products. This is pepper.
Pepper, a popular seasoning, has a smell that flies hate. To use this method, mix some pepper with a little water. Spray the resulting liquid all over the room, making sure to cover all possible areas. This will scare away flies and make it impossible for them to stay in the house.
In addition to pepper, there are several other ways to get rid of flies. For example, these insects do not tolerate the smell of mint, so you can place a pot of mint plants on the windowsill. Also, citronella candles are a well-known tool for fighting flies and other uninvited guests.
Proper waste disposal and cleanliness is also an important aspect. A responsible attitude to cleaning will ensure that flies do not find anything in your home that could attract their attention.
Earlier, we wrote about how to make an effective fly trap with your own hands.
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