Archaeologists in Mexico found a Mayan toy: what Pok Ta Pok looks like

In Mexico, archaeologists have found an ancient carved stone that may be 1,200 years old. Scientists assume that it was used by the Maya as a scoreboard for pelota - a game with a ball.
The BBC reports that the round stone was found at the Chichen Itza archaeological site. It features a carved image of two players wearing elaborate headdresses surrounded by hieroglyphic writing.
The 40-kilogram stone was found by archaeologist Lizbeth Beatriz Mendicut Perez in an architectural complex known as Casa Colorada (Red House). It was located in the Casa Colorada complex, also known as Chinchanchob.
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Experts believe that the stone could have decorated the arch at the entrance to the complex in the late 800s or early 900s. It was found face down half a meter underground. It is believed that it may have fallen during the collapse of the arch.

Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said the stone is a precious and unusual find.
"It is rare to find hieroglyphic writing at this Mayan site, and the complete text is even rarer. This has not happened in 11 years," explained archaeologist Francisco Perez Ruiz.
A team of iconography experts interpreted the image of two figures in the center of the stone as pelota players. One of them shows a headdress made of feathers, and the second shows a so-called snake turban. He is also depicted in clothing typical of pelota players.
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Pelota is a team game played with a heavy rubber ball on the court. It is believed that this pastime is 3000 years old.

The publication "The History Blog" reported that the game with a ball in the Mayan language sounds like "Pok Ta Pok".
It is noted that where this stone was found, there could be a small ball court.

"INAH conservators have begun the desalination process using cellulose fiber compresses. It is also cleaned with distilled water. The researchers also undertook a photogrammetry technique, capturing high-resolution images of the text and iconography overlaid to create a 3D model of the disc for detailed study and full translation inscription", the message reads.
We will remind you that earlier we wrote that scientists found evidence of double mass extinctions on Earth.
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