March 8, 2023: how the tradition of celebration arose and who founded Women's Day

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 in many countries. This date is dedicated to women's solidarity and the fight for women's rights. However, recently this holiday has been perceived quite differently. Find out why in our article.
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When the celebration of March 8 began in Ukraine
International Women's Day has been celebrated in independent Ukraine since 1991. After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday lost its political colouring and turned into a "women's day".
Activists called for the cancellation of this holiday, as they considered it a vestige of the Soviet past. For example, the Kolomyia City Council cancelled the 8 March celebrations in 2013.
In 2017, the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory called for the cancellation of 8 March and the celebration of Mother's Day, which falls on the second Sunday of May, instead.
Why the holiday is celebrated on March 8
The tradition began in 1857, when American textile workers in New York on 8 March stood up for an increase in wages to match those of men, better working conditions and a 10-hour working day. The strike did not yield any results, and the rally was dispersed by the police.
In the 19th century, women in Europe and the United States repeatedly demonstrated against discrimination and created various women's organisations and councils. In most countries of the world, women were deprived of a significant part of their civil rights. On March 8, 1907, women demanded the right to vote in elections and also protested against harsh working conditions. Demonstrations by 1908 were large-scale, and the United States declared 28 February 1909 the first International Women's Day.
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History of International Women's Day on March 8
Previously, the holiday was celebrated in countries that were under the influence of the USSR and China, such as Algeria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Italy, Israel, Laos, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Zambia.
This date is also celebrated, mostly by communists, in Greece, France and the United Kingdom. In Spain, this day is a symbol of protest, when feminists publicly express their dissatisfaction. China has made March 8 a day off for women only, and in Italy, girls celebrate it without a day off.
In the US, the holiday is not celebrated, as well as in Poland and Germany, because they believe that the date has political overtones.
In August 1910, German Social Democrat activist Clara Zetkin proposed at a conference in Copenhagen to establish an International Day for Women's Equality and Emancipation. In 1911, this day was first celebrated in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Denmark, and Switzerland, but no specific date was set.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 8 as a day to celebrate women's achievements only in 1975.
Traditions on March 8 in Ukraine
This holiday was cancelled in Ukraine due to martial law - Wednesday March 8 will be a working day. However, traditionally, men congratulate their most important women, present gifts and pay attention to them and show their love and care.
It is customary for offices to hold corporate parties in an informal atmosphere for all female employees. And themed concerts are often organised in different cities.
Earlier, we wrote in more detail about why Ukraine decided to cancel the 8 March holiday.
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