7 cute ways cats show love for their owners

People show affection to their pets very easily. Scratching the tummy, back, tasty treats, or a cuddle session are equivalent to saying "I love you" to a cat or dog.
But since cats express their love in a completely different way than humans and other pets, it is only logical that we often do not understand their actions. Sante Plus shared the signs that the animal is trying to show its tenderness and affection.
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What gestures do cats make to show you their affection?
Every pet has its own way of loving. Cats express their affection by purring, jumping, and rolling on their backs. In the world of cats, there are many ways to say "I love you" to your owner, here are 7 behaviors.
1. Your cat bites you during a petting session.
We tend to associate biting with negative behavior, but cats are a little different. Indeed, if your cat starts to bite during play, it means that he is trying to offer you his attention and affection. This is not the same as a defense bite or a fear bite, which is intended to cause pain. Affectionate biting is a delicate and funny feature of cats. So don't be afraid, they are just love bites.
2. Your cat scratches furniture and carpets.
This is far from destructive behavior. In fact, cats scratch furniture to leave their mark on it and mark their territory. This is done with the help of their paws, which contain scent glands. The objects your cat scratches the most are the most important to her.

3. Your cat massages your thighs with its paws.
From an early age, kittens begin to knead their mother's nipples with their paws while breastfeeding. As an adult, when your cat reproduces this behavior on your thighs, stomach, or clothes, it's just a way of saying that she feels good. Therefore, the animal kneads with its paws to convey its emotions to you.
4. Your cat is rolling on the ground on its back.
A cat rolling on its back is happy to see you. Your cat may come or run to you and start rolling on the floor. This gentle greeting shows that the cat needs your attention, especially if it shows you its belly.
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5. Your cat purrs.
This is one of the loudest ways for cats to express their love. A cat may sometimes purr when it feels uncomfortable, but this is rare. More often than not, purring is a sign that the animal is happy to be with you.
6. Your cat blinks.
If your cat "blinks for a long time," it is considered a kiss. This eye contact is a sign of love and trust. You can also make the same gesture, and your cat will fully understand that you are trying to show him your affection in return.
7. Your cat licks you.
Like purring, if your cat licks you often, it's a sign of affection and love. In this way, your feline is sending you a scent that is familiar to him and that makes you an important person to him. This is the equivalent of friendship in our language.
These ways cats show their love may be a little confusing and stump you. But once you decipher their gestures, you can get to know them better. There's no doubt that you love your cat, and it's nice to know that the feeling is mutual.
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