"5 seconds and the cat will be quiet": an easy way to calm cats at night

Cat owners often face the problem of their pets being active at night. And it is often not easy to determine what is on the mind of the furry person and what exactly he demands.
It is possible to teach a cat to run at night and interfere with rest, but you need to determine first what is wrong with the furry one. He may be worried about something and wake you up to help. Maybe the cat is hungry or bored.
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Kittens and young cats are usually active at night. They explore the territory of the house and get to know the surrounding world while people rest. Adult furries mostly adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners and prefer to sleep at night.
If adult cats "freak out", it may be related to the period of sexual attraction. If your cats are sterilized, they may be sick. It can be high blood pressure, arthritis or thyroid problems, etc. Health problems can cause high nocturnal activity and loudness in cats.
A visit to the veterinarian will help to understand the reasons for the pet's changed behavior. Some "tygidim" may be hungry, so they have to wake up their owners at night to eat again. In this case, it is necessary to rebuild the animal's diet. It is recommended to feed an adult cat two or three times a day - in the morning and before going to bed (if 3 times, then in the morning, in the evening, and right before going to bed), preferably after you have played with it. Your task is to tire the animal and feed it before going to sleep so that it goes to sleep. You can leave food on the cat's plate overnight to be safe.
If a cat is bored, it can also wake you up in the middle of the night and demand attention. Then you need to take care of the animal's active leisure time. Take your furry pet for a walk in the evening - an hour before bedtime is enough for him to get tired.
If the cat does not sleep due to lack of attention, before going to bed, scratch it and hug it if it allows it. Try to fall asleep together while hugging.
What not to do if you train a cat to rest at night
- Do not get up if the cat wakes you up, pretend to be asleep, even if you wake up.
- Do not lock the cat in a free room of the house at night - it can be scary.
- Yelling at furry pets and hitting cats is never allowed.
- Try to ask the vet, maybe your animal needs sedatives.
Read also: Which breeds of cats are the most playful
Folk methods of combating the nocturnal activity of cats
Try to take a sprayer, and add warm water to it. And when the cat wakes you up in the middle of the night, take it in your arms - stroke it with one hand, splash water on its tail and stomach with the other. Release the animal, and while it licks the water off itself, you can fall asleep again.
Some cat parents say that gentle pressure on the cat's nose helps to calm the cat down. Do not overdo it, because the cat's nose is a very sensitive organ. Just take the animal in your arms and lightly touch the nose with your index finger.
We suggest you find out which breeds of cats will easily find a common language with their owners.
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