Scientists: 2000-year-old remains of warrior buried near England with mirror and sword may have belonged to a woman

Archaeologists have discovered that an Iron Age burial site on the Isles of Scilly off England, in which the remains of a man with a sword and a mirror were found, most likely belonged to a woman. And she was a warrior.
The grave was found in 1999 on the island of Brier, one of the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the southwest of England. She was buried with a sword in a copper alloy scabbard, a shield, a bronze mirror and a brooch, Arkeonews reports.

It used to be thought that only Iron Age men were buried with swords, but DNA analysis of the woman's tooth enamel showed that she was a woman.
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The study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, found that the woman had a high status in her community and may have played a leadership role in local wars.

"While we can never fully know the symbolism of objects found in graves, the sword and mirror combination suggests that this woman had a high status in her community and may have played a leadership role in local wars, organizing or leading raids against rival groups," Dr. Sarah Stark commented on the study.
According to her, this may indicate that women's participation in raiding and other forms of violence was more common in Iron Age society than scientists had previously thought.
It is noted that the grave held the richest grave collection from southwest England: in addition to a twisted skeleton, there were elements of a shield, a sword belt ring, a copper brooch and ring, fabric fibers, and what could be sheep or goat skin.
The mirror and weapon found in the grave are associated with the war. It is believed that mirrors may have been used in the Iron Age for signaling, communication, and coordinating attacks. They also had ritualistic functions, as a tool for communicating with the supernatural world to ensure the success of a raid or to "purify" the warriors upon their return.
As a reminder, an 1800-year-old marble statue of a nymph was discovered during excavations in Spain.
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