10 foods for healthy hair

Tired of dealing with hair loss, brittleness, and dryness? Shampoos, conditioners, and masks won't help you if you're a fan of low-calorie diets or have an unbalanced diet. Add a few tasty and nutritious foods to your diet and you'll see results in a few weeks.
We have prepared nutritional recommendations from the best trichologists in the world.
What should you eat to have hair in a million?
For mirror shine: salmon (any oily fish)
All varieties of oily fish are a real salvation for dry, tired and dull hair. Salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, dorado, and halibut contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids. Our body cannot produce these healthy fats, so we need to get them through food or supplements. Regular consumption of oily fish activates hair growth, making it shinier and healthier.
No brittleness: natural Greek yoghurt
The product contains protein, which is the building block for our curls. Greek yoghurt also contains an ingredient that promotes blood flow to the scalp and hair growth - vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). This is the best remedy for hair breakage and hair loss.
Say goodbye to hair loss: spinach and any other greens
All greens and dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, are a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a lot of vitamin A, as well as iron, beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin C. This vitamin and mineral cocktail promotes healthy scalp and hair. Eat several types of greens daily and you will forget about hair loss forever.
Fruits and berries rich in vitamin C
Western trichologists recommend eating the tropical fruit guava because it contains a record amount of vitamin C. One cup of guava contains 377 milligrams of vitamin C. This is more than four times the recommended daily value. The fruit effectively protects hair from breakage. In our latitudes, guava can be easily replaced with raspberries, strawberries, black currants, lemons, and sea buckthorn.
No loss: iron-rich foods
Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. To make up for the lack of this mineral in the body, you can eat legumes such as red beans or lentils, as well as beef, chicken or beef liver, and seafood. Dried apples and pears, prunes, dried apricots, and pomegranates contain a record amount of iron.
Low-fat chicken for thicker and longer strands
If your hair grows too slowly and starts to fall out more when you comb it, your body needs lean protein. According to experts, when you don't get enough protein, hair growth stops. For better absorption, choose lean options such as chicken or turkey, which are lower in saturated fat than beef or pork.
Moisturize and shine: sweet potatoes and carrots
Sweet potatoes (yams), carrots and pumpkin contain an antioxidant useful for dry and dull hair - beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. The substance moisturizes, nourishes and softens dry hair, makes it strong, making it easier to comb. Beta-carotene stimulates the scalp glands to produce sebum, which prevents hair from drying out.
Cinnamon for blood circulation
Aromatic cinnamon is a great spice to sprinkle on coffee, toast, oatmeal, and even yogurt. It improves blood flow in the scalp, which speeds up the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles.
Eggs are a source of biotin and iron
Eggs are a storehouse of beneficial vitamins and minerals that are essential for our body. This product is especially rich in B vitamins (biotin) and iron, which give hair vitality and help it grow better. A lack of biotin can lead to hair loss. Eggs also contain pure protein, which is the best building block for hair, nails, and muscle mass.
Nourish and soften: oysters and other seafood
All seafood, especially oysters, contain a lot of zinc. If you don't have enough of this mineral in your diet, you'll start to experience hair loss, especially eyelashes. Zinc nourishes the cells that are responsible for hair growth. The mineral is also found in beef, crab, lobster, and whole grains.
Foods rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, vitamins A and C will help improve hair quality, give it natural shine and vitality. Even if this list seems too fancy for you, any of the products can be replaced with more affordable counterparts, be it exotic fruits or oysters. Greens, oily fish, eggs, chicken and berries - this simple and quite affordable list of products will be your secret to strong, healthy and beautiful hair.