
Onions will be needed: how to quickly get rid of May beetle larvae in the garden without chemicals

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Onions will be needed: how to quickly get rid of May beetle larvae in the garden without chemicals
Onions will be needed: how to quickly get rid of May beetle larvae in the garden without chemicals
Onions will be needed: how to quickly get rid of May beetle larvae in the garden without chemicals

In the spring, many Ukrainians go to their summer cottages or go to the garden and plant seedlings. However, in addition to proper planting, it is also important to protect the crop from pests.

May beetle larvae can cause a lot of trouble and quickly ruin the entire crop. However, experienced gardeners have their own methods of dealing with these insects.

One of the simplest remedies without the use of aggressive chemicals involves onion husks. You need to dilute the husks with water in a 1:3 ratio and leave them to infuse for five days.

Read also: How to get rid of pests on indoor flowers

The resulting solution should be diluted with water 1:1. This liquid should be used to water the beds where May beetle larvae have already started.

Another method involves the use of iodine. Dilute 20 drops of iodine in 10 liters of clean water and mix well.

The resulting solution can be used to water the soil several times with breaks. This will help get rid of the May beetle and protect the crop.

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