Not a single key will be harmed: how to safely clean your laptop keyboard with means at hand

Taking care of your laptop's keyboard is an important aspect of keeping it clean and working properly. It is recommended to clean it monthly or depending on the degree of dirt. We share with you methods of cleaning the keyboard to avoid damaging it.
According to, several easy steps will ensure the safe and effective removal of dirt from your laptop keys. Remember to be careful when cleaning so that your keyboard always remains in perfect condition.
How and what to use to clean your laptop keyboard
To get your keyboard clean, try using an art brush or a delicate brush – a soft-bristled toothbrush will also work. First, remove any residue between the keys, and then gently wipe the surface with a damp cloth. To moisten the cloth, you can use a specialized computer hardware cleaner.
You can also use a can of dry air to remove crumbs and dust from the keyboard. It is important to be careful not to accidentally push the keys out with the air jet. Alternatively, you can use a hair dryer, holding it at a safe distance (about 15 cm) from the keys and setting it to cold mode.
For regular keyboard care, it is recommended to use microfiber cloths, which are delicate and effective for cleaning surfaces without risk of damage.
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