Why moister a broom with lemon juice: life hack from experienced housewives

In search of ways to make cleaning the house easier, housewives come up with a variety of tricks. One such trick is to moister the broom with lemon.
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According to santeplus, lemon is a versatile cleaning agent that can be very effective in removing stubborn dirt, thanks to its citric acid content. Its antibacterial properties help disinfect rooms and objects.
Why moister your broom with lemon juice
In addition to its fresh and pleasant scent, lemon is a valuable tool for cleaning and keeping your home clean. Simply spray lemon juice on your mop or broom before use and let it dry. This life hack will help you get rid of unpleasant odors and effectively remove dirt from your room.
The citrus fruit cleanses the broom bristles and refreshes them. You'll be able to easily remove dust and dirt, and most importantly, your cleaning will be more efficient with a disinfected broom.
Earlier, we wrote about another interesting Chinese life hack that will help you easily get rid of dust in your apartment.
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