Six products that will slow down aging and allow you to stay young longer

Not everyone wants to stay beautiful and young. Thanks to some products, you can slow down the aging process.
This was reported by nutritionist Vera Kuryn on Instagram. According to her, you must add nuts, salmon, avocado, tomatoes, blueberries, and dark chocolate to your diet.
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What products delay aging
The nutritionist named useful products that can rejuvenate the body:
1. Salmon is the champion in the capacity of omega-3 fatty acids. These substances allow the body to stay young longer and age more slowly.
2. Nuts contain not only fatty acids, but also fiber, which improves metabolism, and protein, which is necessary for skin elasticity.
3. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, which support blood sugar levels and help curb sweet cravings.
4. Tomatoes help the body fight inflammation thanks to the lycopene, which controls the level of bad cholesterol.
5. Blueberry. This berry contains a large amount of polyphenol, which can remove free radicals from the body and stop the aging process at the nascent stage.
6. Bitter chocolate also helps fight age.
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Useful habits that will help you stay young and healthy
It will be good for the heart if you walk at a brisk pace for at least 15 minutes every day. In general, regular walking helps to rejuvenate our cardiovascular system.
Another great "pill of youth" is games, including badminton, tennis, and volleyball. Other sports are no less important and useful.
Do not forget about a full sleep, which allows mitochondria to restore damaged cells.
WARNING! The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified professional with any health-related questions.
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We will remind you that nutritionist Bohdana Voloshynovych named the spices that must be in the diet. They reduce the risk of cancer and normalize blood sugar levels.
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