
Summon poverty: what is strictly forbidden to do with money

Kateryna Dutik

Summon poverty: what is strictly forbidden to do with money
Summon poverty: what is strictly forbidden to do with money
Summon poverty: what is strictly forbidden to do with money

People say that you can't twist money, put it on the table, and count at night. All because it can cause poverty and financial problems.

Believe it or not, is everyone's personal matter. However, UAportal will talk about the most popular superstitions related to money.

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Five things you can't do with money

1. Money can never be put and left on the table. Our ancestors believed that paper money, and especially coins. If you violate this prohibition, you could lose money or receive unforeseen expenses.

2. You cannot twist paper money, crumple it and keep it mixed with change. It was believed that with such actions you will simply "drive" money out of your home and it will go where it will be comfortable.

3. You cannot count money at night. If you count your money after sunset, it will attract losses and loss of money. Soon you will face even more serious material problems.

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In addition, if money is counted at night, it will quickly disappear during the day. Therefore, a person can easily be left without means of livelihood.

4. You cannot pick up the money you found from the ground. Finding money on the street is not a sign of wealth. Because together with these funds, you can transfer the financial troubles and problems of the owners to yourself.

Twisted money. Source: Pexels
Is it possible to pick up money on the street - what can't be done with money?
Twisted money. Source: Pexels

5. The wallet must not be empty. Be sure to put at least small coins in your wallet that will attract cash flows.

We will remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.

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