Try a new way of cooking: How to cook potatoes in a lot of salt and why

Potatoes are the most popular dish among most Ukrainians. They can be boiled, fried, baked, marinated, stewed, and fried. It seems impossible to impress someone with a new recipe using such a familiar product as potatoes.
Read also: Why add baking soda when cooking potatoes
Today we're going to tell you about French fries, which require only three ingredients:
- 1 kg of potatoes
- 2-2.5 liters of water;
- 600-700 g of salt.
This cooking method involves cooking in a hypertonic salt solution, but don't worry, it doesn't affect the taste of the finished dish. On the contrary, the potatoes will resemble those baked on fire, will have a slight flavor of corn, will not fall apart, and will smell like the sea.
Rinse the potatoes thoroughly, but do not peel them. This will resemble cooking in a jacket, but the taste of the finished dish will be different.
Read also: How to peel potatoes economically and quickly
Put the potatoes in a saucepan, cover with water to cover all the potatoes. Add salt and put on high heat. Try to dissolve the salt, if it is completely dissolved, add a little more so that salt crystals remain at the bottom of the pan. Do not be afraid of such a large amount of salt, sometimes the finished dish has to be additionally salted! The hypertonic salt solution creates a special pressure that draws the liquid out of the potatoes, so the salt does not get inside.
To cook the potatoes, bring them to a boil, ignoring the hissing and whistling sounds, then reduce the heat and cook them under the lid for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
When the potatoes are ready, remove them from the solution and put them on a plate. In a few days, a thin salt crust will appear on the potato, which can be left on to keep the dish fresh even for 7-10 days without refrigeration. If you plan to store the potatoes longer, it is better not to wash off this layer of salt.
The salt solution can be reused several times by pouring it, along with the salt crystals, into the bottom of another pot or jar.
Such potatoes can be served as a separate dish with vegetables or dressing, added to hearty salads and stews, or taken with you on a trip. This is very useful for those who are going on a long trip.
Earlier we wrote about how to cook quickly in the microwave. This way, you can bake potatoes in 10 minutes and cook carrots for a salad in 5 minutes.
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