
Useful tips for aquarium care: how to make water crystal clear

Ihor Romanko

Useful tips for aquarium care: how to make water crystal clear
Useful tips for aquarium care: how to make water crystal clear
Useful tips for aquarium care: how to make water crystal clear

An aquarium with fish is not only a beautiful home decoration but also a responsibility for the well-being of the aquarium's inhabitants. How to properly care for an aquarium and its inhabitants is very important and useful information for any aquarium owner.

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  1. Water change: Every week, you need to change 10-15% of the water in the aquarium. At the end of the month, the water can be changed by 25%. This will help maintain an optimal pH level and reduce the amount of ammonium in the aquarium;
  2. Water treatment: If the tap water contains high amounts of chlorine and other chemical compounds, you need to add a special water treatment agent. This will protect your fish from harmful substances and provide them with a healthy environment;
  3. Filtration: The filter is the heart of the aquarium, so care should be taken to clean it regularly. If the filter is dirty, it can cause fish death. To maintain optimal aquarium water condition, you should clean the filter monthly and replace its material;
  4. Water temperature: The water temperature in the aquarium should be kept between 24-26 degrees Celsius. Use a thermometer and regulator to ensure the right water temperature;
  5. Feeding: Fish should be fed several times a day, but the amount of food should be controlled very carefully. Overfeeding can lead to contamination of the aquarium;

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How to clean the aquarium

The main element of aquarium cleaning is cleaning the glass. It is best to do this with a special aquarium sponge that does not leave scratches and does not destroy the protective layer of glass. Clean the glass of algae and other contaminants. If the glass is very dirty, use a glass scraper. Do not use glass cleaners as they can harm fish and plants.

Water change is an important part of aquarium cleaning. It is recommended to change 10-20% of the water weekly to avoid the accumulation of contaminants and decrease in oxygen levels. Before changing the water, turn off all devices operating in the aquarium. Make sure that the temperature of the new water is close to the temperature of the water in the aquarium and that the water is treated with special water products.

The decor and bedding may be contaminated with fish waste and food and should be cleaned periodically. You can use a soft brush to clean the stones and decor.

Read also how scientists taught fish to manage a mobile aquarium.

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