Immediately throw out of the house: these items can drive you into depression

Any object can absorb and accumulate energy - both positive and negative. They can have absolutely different effects on people who are often in the room.
These objects in the house can spoil the mood and even cause depression. Read the UAportal material about what exactly it is about.
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Unnecessary papers
Working documents, old textbooks, and written-off notebooks can cause irritation, loss of strength, and negative emotions. Because such accumulation clutters the house and contributes to the spread of negative energy.
It would be best to tidy up the papers and throw away the junk at least once a month. Important papers and documents should be stored in one place - on a desk, in special cabinets, or in an office. It is advisable that such things lie away from the resting place and your bed.
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Mirrors in the house
If there are many mirrors in the house, it can contribute to a bad mood and even cause real depression. Designers advise hanging mirrors on the walls and ceiling and inserting them into cabinet doors. In this way, a small space will be enlarged.
In that case, if you are critical of your appearance, mirrors will only stress the situation.
According to psychologists, when passing by mirrors, people, without thinking, look at their reflection. They will get upset if their appearance is not what they wanted.
Also, mirrors accumulate both positive and negative energy from all people who saw the reflection.
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Dried flowers and plants
Flowers and house plants symbolize life. If the flower pots began to wither or dry up, then this negatively affects the psychological state. Try to get rid of such things as soon as possible and replace them with fresh ones.
A mess in the closets
As scientists note, highly intellectual people are characterized by creative disorder. However, psychologists do not support such a statement and are convinced that it causes severe stress, irritation, and apathy.
Esotericists recalled that chaos on the shelves and in the closets leads to the same confusion in life in general. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the mess in the closet and at home.
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Furniture that doesn't fit
In the house, the furniture should fit harmoniously into the interior. It is also important to observe the parameters: you should not put bulky furniture in a small apartment or small furniture in wide and spacious rooms.
Such inconsistencies will affect the psyche, cause discomfort and imperceptibly spoil the mood, driving into depression.
Festive tableware
Tableware, which is in every house, should be used, and not displayed in sideboards. You will get pleasure if you drink tea from your grandmother's cups or eat from those plates behind the glass.
Something unfinished with your own hands
Unfinished things with your own hands cause a feeling of incompleteness and annoyance. Thoughts that you did not get things done will even cause depression.
Try to make time to finish what you start, or give it to someone who can finish. As a last resort, loosen the threads, then start over.
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Broken things
It is not necessary to keep broken household appliances, suitcases, and dishes with cracks and chips at home. Such things contain negative energy. It is best to recycle them or throw them in the trash. If you have time, take it in for repair.
If you live in such an environment for many years, it will also take away your energy.
We are surrounded by things at home that remind us of something (magnets, postcards, photos on the walls). Try to get rid of things that emotionally bind you to former loved ones, events that caused sadness and tears.
We will remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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