
They can eat the whole crop: how to get rid of May beetle larvae effectively and easily

Bylim Olena

They can eat the whole crop: how to get rid of May beetle larvae effectively and easily
They can eat the whole crop: how to get rid of May beetle larvae effectively and easily
They can eat the whole crop: how to get rid of May beetle larvae effectively and easily

May beetles and their larvae are dangerous pests in green spaces. For gardeners and summer residents, worms - the larvae of May beetles - are particularly dangerous. They are less picky in their diet and can destroy large areas under crops in a short time.

The larvae gnaw at the roots of strawberries, strawberries, currants, apples, and cherry roots. It has been proven that a three-year-old larva of the May beetle can destroy the root system of a two-year-old pine tree in just one day. And the larvae of the May beetle can gnaw out the roots of your lawn in a matter of days.

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How to control the larvae of the May beetle

May beetle larvae do not tolerate nitrogen, so gardeners plant white clover in their gardens and vegetable gardens, whose roots process nitrogen and spread it to the roots of neighboring plants. This method of controlling May beetle larvae is not only effective but also safe for plants.

You can also plant the garden with lupine, they will eat its roots and be etched because they cannot tolerate it.

Another way is to etch the soil around the crops with a solution of ammonia (10-20 ml per 10 liters of water). Also, a solution of salt (200 grams) in a bucket of water with the addition of ammonia (2 tablespoons) will destroy the beetle. This solution is watered with vegetables.

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Potassium permanganate is also poisonous to May beetle larvae. It is diluted in water (5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water) and watered around bushes and trees.

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