
They may disconnect electricity for Ukrainians with debts

Bylim Olena

They may disconnect electricity for Ukrainians with debts
They may disconnect electricity for Ukrainians with debts
Power outage

The Ukrainian government has lifted the moratorium on disconnecting consumers from utility services for non-payment.

According to the Cabinet's decision, the moratorium remains in place only for residents of the territories where military operations are underway and residents of the temporarily occupied territories. It is also still prohibited to disconnect utility services if the consumer's house was damaged as a result of hostilities.

If you have utility debts, it is advisable to pay them off as soon as possible before sanctions are imposed on you.

How to find out about utility debts

There are several ways to find out about your utility debt:

  1. Contact your housing office or condominium, providing your full name and address.
  2. A Ukrposhta operator or an employee of the bank where you pay for utilities can check for debts.
  3. Find out about the debt in the application of your bank (under the "utility payments" item).

You can find out if you have a debt in your service provider's personal account by providing your name, address, personal account, and the amount of the last payment when registering.

If you are unable to pay the entire debt at once, you can apply to the service provider for debt restructuring. This way, a citizen can pay the amount in small installments and avoid disconnection of utilities.

How to write off utility debts

A consumer can apply for debt relief, but only after the utility company has filed a lawsuit against him or her, UNIAN reports.

Here's who will have their utility bills written off if the court takes the consumer's side:

  • Those who have debts for more than 3 years.
  • Those who inherited debts from previous homeowners.
  • Those who have been charged a debt not in accordance with the area of their housing.
  • Those who have been declared bankrupt in court.

To have the debt written off, you need to wait until the utility company sues the debtor, and then submit a written application for the application of the statute of limitations.

Who will not have their electricity cut off during the war

Electricity will not be cut off for debts to household consumers who do not live in the occupied territories or in the war zone. Electricity will not be cut off for Ukrainians living in the territories where military operations are ongoing or have been conducted.

Among enterprises, electricity will be cut off for those that do not belong to critical infrastructure.

According to the Rules of the Retail Electricity Market, utilities are obliged to notify consumers in writing of a power cut for arrears no earlier than 5 business days before the service is terminated. They have no right to cut off electricity without warning.

To have the electricity reconnected, the consumer must pay the debt in full and contact the service provider's operator. The electricity supply will be restored within 3-5 days.

If the amount of debt exceeds UAH 120 thousand, the consumer's only home may be recovered in court.

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