How to find out how worn out your Windows laptop battery is

The normal operation of technology always depends on many factors, and the state of the battery is one of them. Although the degree of battery wear has no direct impact on laptop performance, it can lead to system overheating and breakdowns. Therefore, if you want to know how much life is left in your device or are planning to buy a used laptop, it is important to assess the level of battery wear.
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Component overheating can be a problem if you're using your laptop without a power connection. Over time, the current supplied by the battery decreases, and the cooling system lacks the power to operate efficiently. This can lead to higher operating temperatures for components and shorter life for the processor and other components.
Older batteries can also cause voltage fluctuations. A worn-out battery cannot hold a stable current level, which causes the voltage to drop instantly and can damage fuses and capacitors on the board.
In addition, over time, some batteries can become bloated, putting pressure on adjacent motherboard components and causing them to break.
There is an easy way to check the battery status of your laptop. You can use the command line. To get the report, open the Start menu and type "cmd" (or press "Win + R"). In the command prompt window that appears, type "powercfg /batteryreport" and press "Enter".
After that, the report will be generated and you will be shown the path to save the file. Copy this path and paste it into the Start menu in the search box. You will see an HTML document that contains a complete report on the battery status.
The report will show you the last time you used the laptop, the history of changes in battery capacity, and the estimated time you can use the laptop without recharging.
Earlier, we wrote about whether you should turn off your laptop after using it.
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