If not destroyed in time, the pest will eat the crops: the best methods of combating hairy deer

During the period of budding and flowering in the garden and in the vegetable garden, plants can be threatened with considerable trouble - the invasion of pests that eat the stamens and pistils of flowers. This is done by beetles called hairy deer or bronze beetle.
This pest is very dangerous, especially for fruit, berry crops, grapes, and garden flowers. Deer are most active during sunny weather.
It is worth fighting this pest at the beginning of spring. However, if you did not have time to treat the soil from it (it is there that deer spend the winter), then you can get rid of the "glutton" even during the active flowering of your future crop.
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Experienced gardeners advise equipping the yard with bird feeders to lure the deer's main enemies. Birds quickly deal with pests and you do not have to use chemical treatment of plants.
You can also pick out beetles, but this process will not be easy, because beetles hide well - they "bury" in the very middle of flowers and mercilessly eat them.
Some gardeners shake the beetles from the trees onto canvases spread under the trees and then destroy them, but this way there is a danger of damaging the plants.
Olenkas are known for their attraction to blue and yellow colors. You can arrange buckets or basins of the appropriate colors in the garden and pour sweetened water into them. Beetles will be attracted by the color of the containers and the sweet smell. And since they do not know how to swim, they will drown in lures. Instead of sweet water in the tank, you can add insecticides, which will kill the beetles.
These beetles burrow into the ground at night and spend the night there. Therefore, the soil can be treated with pesticides before sunrise or in the evening, before the deer crawl to hide: Aktara, Calypso, Engio, Decis profi.
And the beetles are given a "shower" - the plants are sprayed with clean water. Pests that are covered with hairs get wet and lose the ability to fly. Then they are shaken off the branches and destroyed.
We also suggest learning about effective baits for slugs.
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