
If a bird flew into the house: what superstitions and signs are associated with birds

Ihor Romanko

What superstitions and folk omens are associated with birds
What superstitions and folk omens are associated with birds
What superstitions and folk omens are associated with birds

Various superstitions and omens related to birds are very common among the people. Some of these signs have real scientific explanations, and some are just fiction, but they are still very popular among our people.

Many cultures around the world have superstitions and signs related to when a bird flies into the house. These beliefs are different, but they all serve as guidelines for how to behave in such situations.

One of the most common superstitions is that if a bird flies into a house, it can be a sign of certain changes in the life of the person living in that house. Usually these changes are related to finances or health. Some people believe that a bird flying into a house can mean additional money or a successful business. Others believe that it can be a warning of an illness or a negative event in the future.

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If a pigeon flies into the house and there is an unmarried girl in the family, it predicts an imminent wedding. Although our ancestors considered a pigeon hitting a window to be a bad omen. A pigeon visiting your balcony or walking along the windowsill is a good sign, as such a house is not threatened by fires. A pigeon that flies to you with a burden in its beak also promises prosperity.

If a swallow flies in or knocks on the window, good news awaits you. This little bird will bring you prosperity and success. Superstition says that pebbles found in a swallow's nest bring good luck. And the first swallow to arrive will make a handsome man who, upon seeing it, washes his face with milk instead of water.

If a bluebird flies in or knocks on your door, you may have guests. This bird also brings good news. A nightingale is a rare but welcome feathered guest. This singer brings wealth to the house.

One of the most common superstitions is associated with the crane. According to this sign, if a crane flies over while traveling, it may be a sign of bad weather to come. If the crane flies low, the weather will be cold and dry, and if the cranes fly high, expect warmth and moisture.

Another superstition is related to chicken. According to the superstition, if a chicken sings a song in the morning, it means that the weather will be good. But if the chicken does not sing, then expect rain or cold weather.

One of the most popular signs is associated with pigeons. If a pigeon sits on the window of your apartment, it may be a sign of good news or good luck that you will soon meet. Also, if a pigeon flies off your hand, it may be a sign that you will soon meet your love.

Earlier, we wrote about omens and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.

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