
What it means when dogs "smile"

Ihor Romanko

What does a dog's smile mean
What does a dog's smile mean
What does a dog's smile mean

Dogs' toothy grins are not always a sign of aggression, but many people make the mistake of thinking they are. According to Dr. Lore Haug, who is a veterinary behaviorist, all dogs can smile, and some breeds are even genetically predisposed to it more than others. This information is reported by "Yahoo! News".

Read also: Why do dogs tilt their heads to the side and look inquiringly

Dogs can smile by pulling one or both lips back and showing all or some of their teeth. This behavior is calm and, unfortunately, directed only at humans. Dogs do not show this kind of smile to each other because it is not part of their nature, says Dr. Haug.

He explains that smiling is a form of "active submission." This means that when a dog smiles, it shows its submission and willingness to obey its owner.

Dogs can also smile when they feel guilty or when they are being forced to do something they don't want to do, such as take a bath. This means that if a dog smiles while doing the wrong thing, he is trying to avoid trouble or confrontation with his owner.

Haug emphasizes the importance of learning the body language of dogs to understand their emotions and needs. For example, the ears, tail, facial expressions, and body posture can provide important information about a dog's mood and state.

According to the doctor, the most important thing is to learn to communicate with your dogs and understand their body language. This will help to avoid misunderstandings, build trust, and strengthen the relationship between human and animal.

So, smiling in dogs is a complex form of communication and can have different meanings depending on the context and the dog's body language. It's important to make an effort to learn your dog's body language and establish effective communication with them based on mutual understanding and trust.

Previously, we wrote about why cats like to sleep at their owner's feet, as well as about 3 dog breeds that bring good luck to their owners.

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