
What to do with church candles brought after the consecration of the Easter basket: basic rules

Bylim Olena

What to do with church candles brought after the consecration of the Easter basket: basic rules
What to do with church candles brought after the consecration of the Easter basket: basic rules
What to do with church candles brought after the consecration of the Easter basket: basic rules

For a long time, Ukrainians have been visiting churches on Easter to consecrate paskas and eggs. It is customary to buy consecrated candles in the church and bring them home. Even at home, church candles were lit in front of the icons.

Easter candle burning acquired its own special meaning. In Christianity, it is customary to believe that from Easter to Ascension Day, Christ is invisibly on earth, and his spirit visits homes where a lighted candle is lit.

A candle is also a symbol of prayer. It is used to cleanse the premises of evil spirits - a candle bought in the church is lit, taken in the right hand, and "smoked" the house with its fire, reading "Our Father". Particular attention is paid to corners in rooms - they are "baptized" from left to right with a lighted candle. It is believed that if a candle starts to smoke in some part of the house, it is worth stopping and reading "Our Father" three times.

Read also: Attention to portions and no alcohol: how not to overeat on Easter

Easter candles are considered to be the most powerful tool against the forces of evil. Especially if it is brought from the church already on fire.

If you have Easter candles left over after the consecration ceremony and you don't know what to do with them, it's best to let them burn out at home until the end. Make sure that it does not set fire to what it is stuck into.

If you bought candles for Easter in the church with a stock, then it is worth keeping them near the icons.

They are used in the following cases:

  • If life suddenly began to deteriorate, and health problems arose, you should light a candle near the icons and read the prayer "for health".
  • If there are problems in the family and failure in business - you need to clean the house, ventilate it, wash and fast for several days. Then take the Easter candle (bought in the church on Easter), light it, and go around the house with it from left to right. Corners should be "baptized" - with a candle in your hands, perform movements as if you are baptizing the walls with a candle. Windows and doorways must be baptized three times. During such a procession, the Lord's Prayer is read. And also - candles must be brought to mirrors and beds. Having gone around the whole house, they leave the candle to burn down.
  • According to ancient beliefs, you cannot blow on a candle to extinguish it. They do it with their hands. But it is better to wait until it burns itself out.

Importantly! Such candles cannot be used for divination or black magic.

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