
Maundy Thursday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the Easter holiday

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Maundy Thursday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the Easter holiday
Maundy Thursday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the Easter holiday
Maundy Thursday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the Easter holiday

Maundy Thursday is one of the Easter holidays that precede Easter itself. In 2023, Catholics will celebrate it on April 6, and Orthodox - on April 13.

Clean or Great is called the last Thursday before Easter. UAportal collected the traditions and prohibitions of this holiday.

Maundy Thursday is one of the days of Holy Week - a week dedicated to the most important events from the earthly life of Jesus. On this day, believers remember the Last Supper, at which Jesus first instituted the rite of the Eucharist. Also, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, with which the customs of the holiday are connected.

Read also: Palm Sunday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the holiday

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to wash completely, preferably at dawn. In addition, it is also worth:

  • carry out general cleaning in the house, thoroughly wash the floor and windows;
  • cut nails and hair;
  • throw away all garbage and junk from the house;
  • give away unnecessary things to the needy;
  • attend services and join in communion.

It is also customary to bake Easter and start preparations for the celebration of Easter on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, this day has many prohibitions, including:

  • eat meat, dairy products, and eggs;
  • being dirty or walking in dirty clothes;
  • make a mess in the house, leave unwashed dishes;
  • quarrel;
  • refuse help.

We will remind you that earlier it became known when Ukraine will celebrate Easter 2023 and whether there will be an additional weekend for the holiday.

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